Status Instruments


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Process instrumentation products made by STATUS INSTRUMENTS are manufactured in-house and provided to Prestige Industrial Services Ltd. The components that are designed into Status products are purchased by the factory. This means they can keep control of component quality. Components integrated into their product design are chosen so they are operating well within their specifications which means a more reliable product.

Status products are deployed in a wide range of industries and disciplines all over the world which include: Aerospace, Automation, Chemical, Energy, Food & Beverage, Marine, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical and Water.


Temperature Transmitters

Status Instruments have a wide range of temperature transmitters and sensors, these include sensor probes with integral transmitter, head mount transmitters and rail mount transmitters. They can provide cost effective complete assemblies with full assembly ATEX approval if required.


Signal Conditioners, Loop Powered Isolators, Convertors and Splitters

Status Instruments have a wide range of Signal Conditioners, Loop Powered Isolators, Convertors and Splitters to meet most input and output requirements.



Status humidity sensors come in wall, duct or remote mounted versions. These are single or dual channel RH with ability to measure humidity, temperature, dewpoint or delta temperature for industrial and BMS/HVAC applications. Configuration is performed quickly using the new USB-port configurator, by connecting the transmitter to the configurator and following the software instructions. The configuration software also provides data readings together with a basic logger function for diagnostics when connected to the USBSpeedLink software.


Panel and Field indicators

The field mount DM650LP is an example of a 4-20mA loop powered process switch and indicator offered in the Status range. The instrument offers an advanced display mode allowing the user to also display one or two (1 to 32) character messages. In addition to this, an on board datalog function is also available to record process details at up to 5000 points.

Panel mount instruments are intelligent digital panel meters with rate and total function that can accept inputs from a wide variety of sensors and display the signal digitally. The highly innovative case design features option “Pods” which can be plugged in without dismantling or re-calibration. These provide optional outputs of programmable current (POD-03) and 2 x trip relays for alarm points (POD-02). Flow totaliser and batch functions are also available.


If you need more information to select the right STATUS INSTRUMENTS products for your application, send an email to our Process Instrumentation team, or call us directly on +254 716 364584

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