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Weighing Electronics

SIWAREX – PLC-based weighing electronics

Automation with integral weighing and proportioning technology

In addition to the accuracy when weighing and proportioning, incorporation of weighing technology into modern automation systems serves to increase the sustained success of a company.

Requirements on scales in industrial processes

The weighing and proportioning system is of significant importance in many industrial processes, where many different weighing tasks have to be handled. Both programmable controllers (PLC) and process control systems (PCS) are used to automate production processes.

There are many different types of scales that work together with automation systems, depending on requirements.


Production automation places the following demands on weighing technology:

  • Flexibility with respect to typical scale functions
  • Simple expansion of the weighing system
  • Adaptability to the automation task
  • Integrated communications concept

Scales that are able to satisfy these demands can be classified as part of the automation system. In this sense, the scale is an intelligent automation object comprising:

Sensor technology

    • Controller
    • Actuator technology

The scale is then able to carry out its tasks according to the definitions of the control system.


Core Weight Measurement Products




Alternative weighing systems include Weighfeeders and Solids flowmeters for specific uses.

SIWAREX weighing systems in automation

Totally Integrated Automation plays an essential role in SIWAREX weighing systems.

A key feature is the total integration of SIWAREX into the SIMATIC world.

This means:

  • Implementation of central automation concepts by direct integration in SIMATIC S7
  • Implementation of distributed automation concepts by direct integration in SIMATIC NET
  • Integration in the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system
  • Operator control and monitoring through SIMATIC HMI
  • Uniform configuring and programming through SIMATIC software.
For any assistance in weighing equipment, send an email to our Process Instrumentation team, or call us directly on +254 716 364584

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